Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Homemade Baby Wipes

1/2 roll of paper towels (cut in half to make short rolls)

1/4 c. baby shampoo

1/4 c. baby oil

2 cups lukewarm water

1 plastic container that the rolls fit in

Remove the cardboard from the center of the roll.  Mix the liquid ingredients together. Put one half roll of paper towels in a container and pour liquid mixture over it. Let sit for about an hour before using. Wipes will easily dispense from the center of roll.

We’ve started making our own wipes, we were spending a fortune on baby wipes. These are really gentle on sensitive little bums. The best thing about this is that you can make nice scented wipes or ones with aloe or vitamin E in them, just like the expensive Huggies ones. Just choose a soap or baby oil that has the scent that you want in it. I use Earths Best Organic brand Lavender Shampoo and Body Wash. It smells so good! Sometimes I use wipes to wash my hands just so I’ll smell good. The hardest part about this recipe is finding a good container to put them in. We just use a big tupperware container. I’ve heard that a 1 gallon ice cream bucket works best, but we don’t usually buy an entire gallon of ice cream. The best way to cut the paper towel roll in half is to use an electric knife, or a big serrated bread knife.

1 comment:

cherry said...

Very cool idea! Great way to save money...which we all can use rightn ow. cherry